2.009: The Product Engineering Process – Fall 2015

*I’m currently taking this class, so it will be updated as I go through it

Description of the class:

Students develop an understanding of product development phases and experience working in teams to design and construct high-quality product prototypes. Design process learned is placed into a broader development context. Primary goals are to improve ability to reason about design alternatives and apply modeling techniques appropriate for different development phases; understand how to gather and process customer information and transform it into engineering specifications; and use teamwork to resolve the challenges in designing and building a substantive product prototype. Instruction and practice in oral communication provided.

My Role:

As a student, I’m in a team of 22 other MIT students, mostly Mechanical Engineers, and our task is to brainstorm, test, develop, and present an innovative product at the end of the semester. I serve in the role of both Project Site Master and Graphic Designer. Along with someone else, I’m in charge of making sure the team uses our project management site, built specifically for this class, and helping others with it. Since I’ve had much experience with graphic design and since it’s a passion of mine, I also volunteered to do any graphic design needed for our milestones (for posters, presentations, etc).

Design Notebook Pages:

This a snippet of my design notebook. Many of the examples are sketches and explanations during the brainstorming process. They were chosen because they best show my thoughts in the design process and my contributions to it.

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